Person data and cookie policy

You can read about our politician here. You will become wiser about how we use cookies and what information we have about you.


By using our site, you use cookies. These cookies contain no person data about you.
Cookies are only used to see if you've been on our site before.
Cookies can be deleted at any time, this may happen in your respective browser settings.
Our cookies will be stored on your computer for 12 months, after 12 months they will be deleted.

Data about you

By accessing our website, we will get data about your location, in terms of the region you come from.
We can not see address, name, gender, etc.
How you get on our website, we can not see.
The data we use to see where from most of our visitors comes from.
The data is not shared with anyone and can only be seen by us.

As a customer of us

This data we will have about you if you are a customer of us.

Data about you

When you are a customer, we will have contact lists about you in the form of Name, Address, Mobile Number and Email.
All person data about you, we will first have when you give them to us.
We do not get person data about you when you access our website.

What we use the data for

We use the data only to make agreements with you.

We do not share our data with anyone

The person data we have around you will not be shared with anyone.
The data is used solely to make agreements with.
We do not have third parties who get your data.

We protect you as much as possible
All personal data we have about you will be stored on a secure database.
Our database can only be accessed by us and can not be seen by anyone other than us.

Your rights
You have for some time the opportunity to get all the data we have about you, delivered.
If you wish to delete all data about you, you must terminate your room and contact us to delete all personal data about you.
In any case, we will have deleted all personally identifiable information about you within one year of your termination.